Everyone’s deep desire is to be happy, but it sounds shallow, so we don’t admit it.
We go on these long and roundabout journeys to find happiness and achieve this fantasy we have in our minds, where we chase a promotion to get more money so that we can get the house we want and buy the things we want that will get us the envy of our friends and neighbours, and then we’ll feel good and complete and happy.
But then, we’re not, so we go and buy more stuff, or go to therapy, find a new relationship or go travelling to find ourselves, and we just have this constant cycle of seeking and dissatisfaction.
Finding happiness in this way is a fantasy.
There is nothing to find outside that can make you happy, satisfied or complete in the long term. The entire concept is a mental distortion.
There is nothing out there but you.
This time of future happiness only exists as a fantasy in the mind.
Integrate the pain and trauma that caused you to leave your body and start living through your thoughts.
Get back into your body, get grounded, and reconnect with this present moment right now.
It’s the only thing that’s real.
Then the mind that generates this constant cycle of unhappiness becomes quiet, and peace and contentment is all that’s left.