Adam Palmer

Meditation made simple.

Deep breath in, stress and overwhelm out. Join us for this free online group meditation, where you'll learn two powerful techniques that will quiet the stress, overwhelm and mental clutter in minutes.

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Free Replay Available


The event will be held on Zoom. Once you register, you’ll be sent the link to join. 

To ensure that you don’t miss any of the event, make sure that you have Zoom installed and working in advance.

Adam will start the event with an introduction, and then cover the meditation techniques which we will then practice together for a few minutes at a time. 

There will be opportunities throughout to share your experience and ask any questions if you wish (either via voice or text).

Afterwards, Adam will give more information on how you can get his help if you would like his support to go deeper into your own practice.

There are no expectations of you and you won’t be called upon to participate in any way unless you actively want to engage or ask a question.

You’re encouraged to enable your camera on Zoom as it contributes to the sense of group, community and connection when we aren’t physically present in person. Remember that everyone present is making a conscious effort to grow. Of course there is no obligation to enable your camera if you do not wish to. 

It’s often helpful to bring a pen and some paper to take notes on things that come up for you or resonate with you, so that you have the opportunity to reflect on them later.

Please also make sure that you are somewhere quiet, where you won’t be disturbed so that you can gain the maximum benefit from the event. 

Even if you can’t make it to the live workshop, you’ll still get an email afterwards with a link to the recording.

You’ve very much encouraged to come if you can, so that you can benefit from the live questions and answers at the end (which will not necessarily be included in the recording, or included in full).

Even if you don’t have a question, you may resonate with a question from somebody else. 

The event is free.

If you’re wondering why, or whether the event will be worth your time – the event is free because Adam believes that everyone should have access to these tools and strategies to find peace and empowerment in their lives.

After the event, some people will want to go deeper into this work, have specific things come up for them that they want help with, or just want to work through the process step by step with Adam’s support.

Adam will give more information on the options available for getting his help at the end of the workshop.

This event lasts for roughly 60 minutes.

Adam Palmer

Adam's mission is to help others heal their past, and build a life of meaning, empowerment and inner peace through a safe, supportive and trauma informed approach.