Adam Palmer

About the

Integration Process

The Integration Process

The Integration Process is a complete and holistic approach to healing the past trauma and baggage that’s holding you back from living a full, free and empowered life.

The process is a combination of deep trance work, somatic work (movement), guided meditation and energy work built on 20 years of experience, practice and training to promote deep inner healing. 

Click here to discuss The Integration Process with Adam and find out more about how it can change your life.

What Past Trauma?

Trauma isn’t just being in a war, going through a near death experience or some other extreme event. 

It’s also the times growing up when your physical or emotional needs weren’t met. It’s when you didn’t feel heard or understood, or have someone to turn to – maybe you often had to figure things out alone. It’s when you had to keep going to school even though you were being bullied. It’s when you were shamed or embarrassed for trying to express yourself, or told you were being too loud or difficult. Perhaps home life was very stressful, unpredictable or overwhelming and you never felt able to fully relax. 

As a result, we each carry an original wound – an event that shapes and defines the way that we view ourselves and the world around us, and this becomes the driving force behind many of our life’s choices and decisions until we an heal it. 

Past trauma doesn’t just disappear – it isn’t something we forget or grow out of. You can’t talk or think your way out of it. It remains stored in our bodies and will show up in different ways until we heal it. 

One way it appears is the feeling that there’s an invisible force holding you back from the things you know you’re capable of. Procrastination, low self esteem, inner restlessness, and anxiety are others. You might have a history of difficult and painful relationships. You might often feel overwhelmed and at your limit, or spend a lot of time up in your head overthinking and overanalysing.

My journey of healing has taken me from counselling and hypnotherapy to energy healing, somatic work, spirituality, Chinese medicine, and to the Sacred Valley in Peru for months at a time studying Shamanic traditions in search of the tools and techniques that actually work and bring about real and lasting change. This collection of tools has become known as The Integration Process.

The 6 Step Process

Building the Inner Temple

The Inner Temple is a safe inner space that you build, and that protects you from outside negative influences, and that you can come back to at any time to do your healing work. We build the inner temple with trance work and visualisation.

Active Meditation

For many of us, even when we're resting, we're not really fully relaxing. We're still thinking, and worrying and planning up in our heads whilst we scroll through our phones. True meditation is really just learning how to fully rest and relax again - we all know that it's helpful, but many of us struggle with being restless, overstimulated and distracted.

Active meditation is unique in that it combines breathing techniques with gentle guided movement to achieve all the deep relaxation and rejuvenation of meditation without having to sit still for long periods of time.

Somatic Flow

Our past trauma isn't stored in our head as thoughts and memories, but in our body, nervous system and bioenergy field. The Somatic Flow is a series of movements that open up different areas of the body that store trauma, so that it can be felt, processed and released.

The Somatic Flow can also be combined with massage or energy work.

Subconscious Alignment

We all have a set of core inner beliefs about who we are and how life works that we formed during childhood. These are called our primal beliefs. They live in our deep subconscious and they drive most of our actions and behaviour without us realising it. When these beliefs are harmful, they hold us back, keep us acting out harmful and disempowering behaviour and cause us a huge amount of inner conflict and procrastination when we try to move forward towards our goals and dreams.

Examples of harmful primal beliefs are, "I'm not good enough. Deep down there's something wrong with me. I have no right to be here. The world is a dangerous and scary place"

The good news is that we can rewrite these beliefs even if we've been carrying them for decades and without having to spend years talking it through in therapy. The most effective way to do this is by working directly with our subconscious using guided meditations and special audio technology called binaural beats that temporarily shift the brain into a the deeply relaxed, creative and child-like theta state.

Shadow Work

Each of us carries a shadow, which refers to the parts of ourselves we've rejected and denied. We might see these parts as negative, shameful or unacceptable. This includes our fears, desires and the emotions that we see as bad, for example hatred, anger and jealousy. It also includes our past experiences and trauma that we feel shame or embarrassment towards.

We form the majority of our shadow during childhood, as this is when we are under the most societal pressure to fit in and act in a certain way. The more aspects of ourselves we reject, the bigger the burden we carry. Often when we become triggered and very reactive, we're really reacting to something that's being brought up from our shadow.

Shadow Work is the process of uncovering our shadow and then choosing to integrate its parts, one at a time, until we become whole again.

Consolidation & Integration

Something deep has shifted through our healing journey. We feel lighter and a huge burden has been lifted, but what now? We need to consolidate the deeply transformative work that we've done by consciously and intellectually processing and understanding what has shifted and why. If we don't complete this part, we often feel confused and disorientated for a while before slipping back into our old and familiar patterns.

Click here to discuss The Integration Process with Adam and find out more
about how it can change your life.